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What Life Throws at You

For the first 6 months or so I would go to work as Lee and then change to Kelly at home. As time passed I realized that it wasn't enough. I wanted more and more. Lee started to disappear and Kelly started to take on a life of her own. I grew my hair long and got a prescription for hormones. I was careful not to reveal the changes going on inside me to my boss Bobby Greco; the slime. I wore baggy clothes to hide my breasts and the curves I started developing. Greco was gone from the office a lot, shmoozing with the Pascorelli's so it was easier to keep a low profile.

One Saturday I stopped off at work to pick up some papers. I thought that no one would be around and since I was dressed like Kelly anyway, I took a chance. I was just leaving when Greco walked in. When he realized who I was, he grabbed my ass and said that if he had known what I was into we could have been having fun all along. I wanted to vomit. I mean I knew that I liked guys, but he was a filthy animal. Greco said that he had some business to attend to but he warned me that I had better start dressing like this all the time. He stuck his tongue down my throat and left. That was the last time I saw him. Monday when I came into work, I found out that he was murdered over the weekend.

I knew it had to be the Pascorelli Family. I was afraid that I'd be next. I grabbed some papers out Greco's desk and never looked back. I went home, packed some belongings and hightailed it with what little money I had. Since I only took female clothing I knew that it would be harder to track me. I was passing really well by then so I got a motel room and hid out. Going through Greco's papers I found a locker key to a downtown bus station. Inside the Locker I found almost two and a half million dollars in cash. I kept some of the money but gave the rest to charity in Pascorelli's name. I staged my car 'accident', even putting some of the money in the vehicle. I used some of my hair so the police had a DNA match and took on my sister's identity. I ran with the story that I had just moved back from England. Since Lee was legally declared dead I was left alone. I moved back into my house and been here for the last two years." She sniffed. "Damn! Now it looks like I'm going to have to vanish again."

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