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What Life Throws at You

"Tyler. Rick Tyler. I am a private investigator and I'm looking into your brother's death again for the insurance Co. It's a follow up investigation" I showed her my brand new PI license.

Her mood darkened a bit when I mentioned her brother, but she was still hospitable. "It's been so long. I don't know how I can help you, but come in Mr. Tyler. I was just about to have a cup of tea. Would you join me?"

As she walked down the hallway her ass attracted my complete attention. I was thinking that I would love to hold it and her. I sat down at a small kitchen table, while Ms Dumont took two mugs down from a cupboard. She set them on the table and poured from a teapot setting there. She caught me looking at her.

Her smile lit up the room. "You're probably wondering. My brother and I were adopted by our parents, the Dumonts. Lee and I came from Taiwan. Growing up, most people were confused about two Asian kids with a French last name."

"It was a pleasant surprise Ms. Dumont." I assured her.

"Please. It's Kelly." Was she blushing?

"My friends call me Rick. My parents called me Richard. Take your choice."

Her smile was really starting to get to me. "Ok; Richard it is then." She held up a tin of cookies. "Biscuit?"

I took a cookie with a smirk. She blushed again. "I spent some time with my parents in England."

My smile broadened . "I think it's charming Kelly." I thought that I could really get use to this. "Can I ask you some questions?" She nodded as I took a sip from my cup.

"Even though your brother wasn't found, The police still ruled him deceased. Did they tell you why?" I knew the answer to this one, but I wanted to know if she knew.

"I was told that DNA evidence in Lee's vehicle showed that he was in the car when it went over the cliff. The impact alone would have killed him. His car was a convertible and the roof was down. Either a rip tide or a shark must have carried him off. We had a memorial service for him, three months after the accident."

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