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1st Transsexual Affair

Her hand was warm with a firm shake and up closer; he guessed Gwen was late 20's, early 30's. Darting away from her captivating breasts, Gwen's eyes bore into his, searching in a friendly manner. Smiling and with no hesitation, "Do you like them? I had them done a year ago...and...never regretted it..."

"Well...umm...yeah...I mean...they look great..." He easily imagined lapping and sucking the constantly erect buds, jewelry clacking against his teeth, his pulse quickened.

God, she's young and I dare continue this flirting with the hopes of getting her into bed...don't get too far ahead's just been so long...

"Ahh...Gwen...can I ask you something...something...ahh... kind of personal?"

"Of course Paul...anything..." The last word a whisper.

"I see you're reading...or looking at Penthouse. I don't know that many women that what do you like about it know...whatever...?" He coolly asked knowing Guccione's creation is mostly a men's magazine for masturbation.

"Well...the photography's good...erotic. I like the outdoor settings. The women are almost too perfectly made up, you know...but they're beautiful and...arousing..."

"I agree..." Wondering if she's a les.

"So...are you" He blurted out as neither of them wore rings, at least the finger variety.

"Oh yes. I you...came to relax, know...get some of that "me" time. And you? Are you here with anyone?"

"No...oh no...not this time..." Their conversation was fluid, easy and comfortable. Immensely he enjoyed Gwen's attention and flirting ways. Her openness and bold mannerisms were a welcome change and as the details of their lives warmed up so did the blazing mid-day sun.

Teasingly he asked, "Aren't you afraid of getting that cute ass of yours sun burnt?"

"Oh? You think it's you?" She giggled, "I did put sun block is getting hot out here...would you like to come in for a cold drink or something?" Long cute eyelashes batted at Paul.

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