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1st Transsexual Affair

Nude as always, he made coffee and looked out onto the balcony to the bright sun and no sign of his neighbor. He thought of dressing then spotted a blue envelope propped on the glass patio table. He darted out naked and it was addressed in feminine scrawl to Paul.

Dear Paul, Please forgive me for not saying good-bye properly. I didn't want to spoil our night together...I got a call from work, a sort of mini-crisis happening, I'm sure you know what that's like! Anyway they asked if I could come back early so I booked an early morning flight. Paul, you are truly wonderful, so courteous, a real gentlemen and very sexy. I truly cherished our short time together and its unlikely our paths will cross again, but thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love always, Gwen

P.S. Write me e-mail if you wish. Would love that.

His vacation was heaven sent. He felt rejuvenated, rested and spent the last two days in Bermuda alone but not lonely. Back at the office the typical backlog awaited and he silently cursed for not delegating some of these issues but he tackled them avidly. Two nights later he and one of his managers, Stephen, had a working dinner at a fancy restaurant. "So, Paul how was your vacation? You know we missed you but I'm glad you got know...Annie and everything."

"Oh, trust me...I really relaxed...such a beautiful island. So warm, snorkeling...great food and accommodations..."

His eyes twinkled suspiciously, "Did anyone?"

And the little alarm went off in his head; the pieces all fit together. Had he arranged for Gwen? It was all too perfect. Stephen was a sly one and generous. Perhaps he had. Paul smiled secretly. He had been duped but he wouldn't trade that night.

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