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Am I now a genuine Sissy Slut?
I started Crossdressing when I was about 16 years old, the usual story , mother and sisters panties from out of their drawers when I was home alone. As I got older and married I stopped Crossdressing and consentrated on being the family man. As the years rolled by and the kids grew up and left hom... Read full Story
ASSERTIVE WENCH I caught my live-in partner in an affair and things went awfully as her and her supervisor went into overdrive trying to make every mutual acquaintance believe something perfectly fine and wholesome had led to their affair and my misery. We parted and for a time I stayed to mysel... Read full Story
Tracy tranny vampiress
Following tracys virginity being taken she became more demanding and started to try many kinky requests demanded by the men who fuck her until now she is a mature filthy slag who has tried most things and never refused any form of legal sexual activity and now belongs to a fetish site and attends fe... Read full Story
Assertive Wench
You Can Take It If You Try This past summer the deli and filling station a couple of blocks from my residence hired a new cashier. She is supposedly 23 but she looks like she belongs in somebody’s high school. She is a 90 pound cuties pie with long hair, an hour glass figure and those calves on ... Read full Story
Tracy’s ass virginity taken
Tracy started dressing in her late teens and started to visit local toilets known as cottages regularly always wearing lingerie and stockings and soon started wanking and sucking some of the dirty old men who hung about there and got quite well known as a cumslut. After about 6 months I was followed... Read full Story
You Can Take It If You Try
You Can Take It If You Try This past summer the deli and filling station a couple of blocks from my residence hired a new cashier. She is supposedly 23 but she looks like she belongs in somebody’s high school. She is a 90 pound cuties pie with long hair, an hour glass figure and those calves on ... Read full Story
MARDI GRAS MADNESS The New Orleans Mardi Gras Season has always been a favorite time of the year for me. I love the beautiful floats, the marching band competition, the marching and dancing clubs, and of course the “throws” tossed to the crowds. I have gotten to the point where I seldom view par... Read full Story
A Grand Awakening
By the time I completed my military service and returned home for civilian life, most of my friends from high school had completed university degrees and had relocated to other cities for lucrative career opportunities. I was absolutely delighted when I went to a popular disco club and found one of ... Read full Story
You Just Don't Care...
“Oh, naw! I’m straight,” the slim, sinewy-built man replied matter-of-factly to revelation. “What’s that got to do with anything,” cooed the milk-chocolate-complected vixen, playfully grazing the man’s hard chest. “Damn, why you ask it like that,” he scoffed. “Like what,” the sing-songy-voiced c... Read full Story
Gestern beim Fotografen
Lucy war gestern beim Fotografen (Teil 1) Ich dachte gestern früh vor dem Spiegel, als ich mit dem Schminken meines hübschen Gesichtes fertig war: Du musst heute unbedingt zum Fotografen gehen und ein paar neue Fotos machen lassen. Meine Werbemappe für mein Etablissiment könnte mal wieder ein ... Read full Story