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Would You

They both laugh at this....

'All those perfect big tits...and THOSE cocks!!! any of that real???....

'Then,' she continued, 'I imagine that some have their act together so much so that if I walked into one on the street I'd never know....'

'True...' he concurred....

'Wait a minute!...Wait... a minute!.... how is it that you are so all-knowing here....? she shot at him....

He cocked a brow.... 'There are some things I know that you don't—not many—but some....' He ducks a pillow....

'So....have you ever....ummmmm....?'

'What kind of question is that to ask your man?'....50 thousand watt smile.... 'Of course I have!... I'm a man and I'm a sucker for beauty! know that—I AM here with you, right???....' the laugh is deep....

She smirks.... ' was it...?'

'That, Darlin,' is another conversation for another time....'


Was it two weeks or a month later?....Who knows...does it matter....

She was in a carrel in some musty archive...her cell vibrated....always one to maximize opportunity, she kept it slung low...when she sat it nestled in her crotch....each time it went off, you can imagine her hesitation in answering....just another kind of buzz....

It went off....she hesitated...feeling her clit swell slightly....then she glanced at the number and flipped it open....

'Hi Babi...' she cooed....

'So, it was that good that it took five rings...?' he chuckled....

'Girl has needs,' she sighed....

'We're out tonight....You game?...'

'Sure....where to...?'

'O... I dunno....we'll play it by ear...but maybe you should dress to be seen....'

'Oooooo.....' her interest heightening.... 'and just what will you be wearing?'

'Hmmmmm... I'm thinking slacks, white shirt, black velvet suede loafers.... You...?

'Hmmmmm... Let me surprise you....'

'I like that....'

'I knew you would.... I know you will....' she chuckled.... 'See ya....'

She closed her laptop, bagged her books and made for the was late morning...lots of time for a long bath, lots of preening....and even more outfitting....

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