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the start of what to cum

Still rushing, he came back and pushed my feet into some pink high heels unlike any I'd ever seen at the clubs I frequented. These heels had a viciously high back to them, I'd say at least 5 inches, then had straps that wrapped around and up my legs to about mid-calf. Once he had wrapped them tightly, I watched as he slipped tiny black padlocks at various points on the heels, effectively locking them onto my feet. I could now move my legs and gave a pathetic attempt at getting away, which basically just resulted in me falling onto my side. Chuckling, the man picked me back up and stood me on my now wobbling feet. I barely had regained enough strength to stand and was very unstable since I was now forced to basically stand tiptoed. A black collar was placed around my neck with pink lettering on it that I couldn't make out in the mirror. My voice was starting to come back around this time, albeit it mostly at a whisper. Mustering up the energy, I whispered out my main concern at this point...


The man spanked my ass once hard, almost causing me to fall over as I stumbled forward.

"You'll just get the one spanking this time, but the next time you speak without permission, I'll spank your ass red and then drop you off in the red light district to fend for yourself. Those thugs down there would just love to get ahold of some little sissy like you and to whore you out for profit. Now, you asked why. The answer is simple - because I can. Because you came in here thinking you were hot shit - well, now you're sure as hell hot, I'll give you that."

"Before you ask any more questions, let me give you a description of your new life. I own you now. Don't worry, I don't want to keep you locked away - you'll be free to go about your day to day life just as you used to. But when I come calling, you answer and you do exactly as I say. Soon you'll be experienced enough to dress yourself just as I've dressed you today. I know this is all quite a shock to you, but relax - I'm not interested in ruining your life as long as you do exactly what I tell you to do.

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