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Something about Danny

"I know exactly what you mean Mavis. I've spent hours and hours pouring over those."

"And masturbating?"

He blushed again.

"Mother! Will you cut it out?"

"Sorry Cheryl. I mean, that is the obvious thing, isn't it? I masturbate to them. All the time."

"Good for you. I love hearing you talk about this."

"You do? You look very uncomfortable."

"Mom's an acquired taste."

"I...I'm just not used to it, that's all."

"But Danny you didn't answer my question. Do you masturbate to the swinger magazines?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Good. Now I don't feel like a freak."

"If you're a freak Mavis, you're a very attractive one."

"Thank you Danny. That is so sweet. I find you very attractive too."

I noted him blushing here a little too. But I didn't want to scare him off.

"I love this conversation. I hope that you'll bear with me Danny. One of my favorite swinger ads comes to mind right away. It was this one about a couple wanting to meet other men. There was a picture of the couple. The woman was young, quite attractive. The man was middle aged, balding, a bit of a beer gut. In the ad copy she said that she would do just about anything with other men. But here's the bit I liked. At the end she said, 'My husband cleans me up after. He could clean you too.' I loved that. That was probably the whole reason for the ad."

"I'm sure," Danny said.

"How do you see it, Danny?"

"Her husband is probably bisexual, or gay, and the motive for the ad is for him to suck some dick."

"Excellent. That is the same conclusion I came to."

"Well, that wasn't a toughie, really. That seems like a no-brainer, as they say."

"Do you think that most men, after they've had sex with the woman, would let him 'clean them up'?"


"Why not?" Cheryl asked.

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