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Sam had to admit, looking down at his whole smooth naked body, with the towel dropped to the floor, that the curve of the largish breasts against his chest was not only convincingly real but also quite a turn on. For a few minutes, Sam's thoughts didn't rest at all on the need to remove them or the complications this added to his desire to get rid of this whole incident. Instead he sat down on top of his washing machine as Jemma's sexy, feminine clothes spun round inside, and began to jerk off his erect cock, enjoying the pleasure of the machine's vibrations and very quickly blowing his load across his chest and up towards the false breasts.

It didn't take Sam long after that to have resolved in his mind the complete opposite of his earlier desire to return the clothes and return to his old life. He knew that he really did need a job, his rent money was due in three days and he couldn't stand to lose his job now, he also knew that Jemma could make it hard for him to get one somewhere else; she had told him as much the night before. She was also right when she had said that they couldn't just fire him and then have him appear once again as her PA so he would have to assume a new identity. Besides, for now at least, he was enjoying exploring, at least in private, the new avenues that his feminine looks and attributes could bring him. Thus, Sam decided, at least for now, that not only would he take up the job of Jemma's PA, one far less important than the one he had before, but that he would also do the job, not as himself, but as a sexy woman.
This decision made, Sam felt as if a load that had been hanging over him had gone and he could now get on with thinking in greater detail about the specifics of the matter. Taking a shower to rinse his cum from his body, he washed the make-up off his face and brushed his wispy blonde wig back into some sort of style. Even without the make-up, Sam was surprised by how easily convinced he was of his own femininity. The elegant and sexy blonde wig, as opposed to his normal short dark hair, framed his soft features in such a way as to bring out their girlishness and the image as a whole was helped by the obvious protruding breasts that Sam was becoming increasingly comfortable with.

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