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My Wife's Secret Fantasy Chapter 1

I found myself nervous as soon as my eyes opened to the alarm. My stomach felt fluttery as I showered and after while standing in a dressing robe in the kitchen I felt that if I tried to eat I would be sure to be sick. I went to my wife's make up table and looked at my reflection and took a few deep breaths and tried to convince myself that I could do it. My hand trembled so badly I had to apply the eyeliner several times. It took me almost two hours before I was satisfied with my look and donned the wig. I sat back and stared at my reflection still indecisive on whether or not this planned foray was right or not. I certainly thought that I looked good enough too myself but what about strangers and what if I found myself facing someone I knew.

Moment by moment my nervousness grew and my shaking hands became wet with sweat as I agonized over all the what ifs. Finally taking a deep breath and shaking myself I stood and went once more to my wife's dresser to finish getting dressed. Telling myself over and over that it wasn't anything to worry about until I walked out the door.

It didn't take long to dress, I already knew what I wanted too wear. First of all I decide to wear a panty girdle I knew my wife kept for her fat days. I certainly didn't want any bulges showing in the wrong spots. The matching black lingerie and hose I hoped would make me feel confident though it didn't really and a tan business suit that I thought would go with the white sandals. The skirt was mid-thigh and under the jacket I wore a white satin shirt. A small white handbag seemed to compete the finished mirage as I stare into the full lentgh mirror building up my courage.

Grabbing my car keys I started to the door and realized I would need money and my licence unless I wanted to walk through my neighbourhood like this. Grabbing my wallet and wondering what to do with it a sense of dread washed through as another wave of what ifs came to mind. I told myself to stop making excuses and to get on with it. Taking out a credit card and just what I thought I needed I walked to the door leading out into the garage. My only consolation was the car was parked in the garage so at least no nosy neighbour would see me leave the house. Five minutes later I was heading for the mall.

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