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In only a fur and very little else…

Well I was needless to say very, very naked and thought it did not look like much, it had taken me a good five hours of intensive work to prepare myself for that memorable moment, that cold winters night.

As any transgender girl will tell you it takes us girls a lot of effort to really look and feel the part.

I had hours before started the evening by covering my body in a hair remover called Veet, which is a rather smelly foam, very similar to shaving cream, that once applied to a selected part of the body has to work for about five minutes and no more, before it has to be scraped off by using a plastic rubberized razor, then immediately rinsed off under running water. One part of the body at a time. First one leg and then the other. Then an arm or the stomach. Buttocks, shoulders, back and hairy chest. It´s a difficult, messy and very time consuming process. But the result is absolutely fantastic; ones skin becomes soft and really smooth. The feeling of nakedness and vulnerability is truly heightened. But here it would be fantastic to be two persons… There you have one of my dream fantasies…

That is being taken care of by another person or persons unknown… Male or female would not matter. One or more persons doing the work and the other getting a full body treatment. But that night I had done it all by myself, all alone in my expectations. I had also trimmed my pubic hair with scissors… preferring to leave what I thought was a pleasant attractive patch above my genitals. But for my genitals themselves, between my legs and in the crack of my ass it was as clean, as soft, and as hairless as a baby’s bottom. I had also very carefully shaven my face with a traditional razor to get the very best results. I had subsequently used diluted antiseptic lotion over my whole body to avoid unsightly rashes from the unaccustomed treatment my skin was getting. I had also used soothing body lotion to soften and make my skin smooth and cool to the touch.

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