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I am Baaack! Part 4

"I would not trade the time we spent together for anything. While I hate The Three Bitches for what they are doing to others, it's ironic that I have to thank them for what they did to me. Because if they hadn't, I would never have met you! Or Salielah, who I love as a sister." She turned away then, refusing to continue looking him in the eyes. ".Which is why this is going to be so incredibly difficult to say! You may well hate me before I'm finished!"

He moved to show his denial with a hug, but she held up a hand to stop him. She completed her turn, so that she was facing away from him. "Hear me out!" Then her voice dropped so low that he had to strain in order to hear it. "You originally chose me because I was a 'special girl', because I could have sex with you the way that you preferred, yet still be a convincingly beautiful woman to the rest of the world. I think, and I believe you do also, that our relationship has gone far beyond sex, yet sex, that special kind of sex possible only with a.a." Adain could tell she disliked the term she was about to use. ".shemale, was why you chose me." She shook her head as if to clear it.

"Adain, Ross was the reason I didn't return to you as soon as I was physically able. I wanted to!" She was visibly agitated. "I couldn't. Ross was the one who had been wronged, had had his life stolen by those evil women he had thought were his best friends. He deserved a chance to get his life back! After a year of trying, he gave up; he surrendered to me. Ross is gone; only Rose remains. And, Adain, Rose is.I am.a woman! I can't be one of those, a shemale, and I know that's what you want in your bed. Adain, I'm going to have SRS; I have to be a complete woman, or at least as complete as current medical science can make me. I can't be your 'special girl', your shemale lover anymore!" And she broke down. Rose had collapsed to the floor, sobbing.

He had been thunderstruck, and filled with black despair.

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