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Dream Bride Tranny Chapter 2

"Why have I no panties on," she asked teasingly and then added before I could answer. "Because my kinky Uncle is wearing them as he dances with me."

It wasn't true, I was wearing Anji's but who was I to argue with a pretty girl?

The fast dance finished but Avril held onto me and we came together for another slow one.

"What did you and Kirsten talk about? I was watching you both and you seemed so relaxed."

"I was really apologising for what I had done to her on her 'big day'. Perhaps I should also apologise to you. After all I am wearing your panties at the moment."

"Now that is something that concerns me quite a lot, you have this craving to wear our underwear. You are a stud with a huge cock so why such a desire to become a transvestite?"

"You have to understand that the KBG do these things to punish me, to humiliate me in front of my friends and other KBG members. They are punishing you too. Would you, like me, well, would you even entertain the thought of me munching on your ass if the KBG were not standing over us, encouraging us with threats of humiliation?"

"But you seem to enjoy it now. I watched you last time and how much your cock rose when you started to draw stockings up your leg to attach to a suspender belt. You positively purred with excitement."

If only she realised I had been dressing in stockings and the occasional dress for years, since meeting Emma, my first girlfriend at Tulle Towers. However, I never realised I made it so obvious a pleasure in front of Avril and Kirsten.

"Well it is a very, very sexy feeling just like I get when you to draw your petticoats over my naked body. Have you seen how my cock shoots up in size when you do that?"

"Would you like to wear my petticoats, maybe even this gorgeous gown? Would you like to meet me secretly and I'll help you dress in some sexy teenage clothes and then we can be lesbians just like Kirsten and I? We can all be lesbians and you can have the real dildo instead of the pink and black ones we use."

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