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To tell the truth, he thought that he looked rather pretty, and found the sight of his erection thrusting out the silky femme garment gave him a thrill. He wished that Graham was here to see: it certainly was an improvement on wanking into each other's mothers' pants and slips in his bedroom.

Still keeping up her hypnotic chatter, the woman steered him to a sofa opposite the foot of the bed and settled him into one corner. She had his other clothes in her hand and announced that she was going to take them downstairs to dry them, and make them a cup of cocoa.

‘What I can't understand is how you got so wet. I mean, it hasn't rained all day.’ Then she raised his shorts to her face and Colin blushed hotly as she sniffed at them. ‘Oh....I see,’ she exclaimed, obviously recognising the odour. She caught and held Colin's gaze. ‘Was this an unfortunate accident?.....or was it something else? We'll talk about it when I come back. Be a good boy now.....and don't be rude in Doreen's clothes.’

She left the room, and Colin was alone for the first time since he came out of the public lavatory after parting with Kenneth. Colin was seriously frightened, his sober side still insisting that he should make himself scarce. Something of a problem, since he was wearing a girl's pyjama suit and his own clothes had seemingly vanished. He was frightened - any sixteen-year-old would be given his circumstances - but the fear somehow got mixed up with the excitement that kept his cock hard in its feminine prison. The result was a sensation of fearful anticipation, although Colin might not have used those words; it was the same feeling that he got when he peeped on his Mummy in her undies, or caught a glimpse of her sitting on the toilet. His hand moved towards his penis - automatically, a response to his fretful state, - and he caressed himself gently. The risk of ejaculation had receded somewhat, but he kept a wary eye on the bedroom door. Soothed by those caresses, he grew calmer and called up his memories of the woman, wondering what it would be like to touch her big breasts and even put his hand under her skirt.

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