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Aunt trip

Despite her surprise, Georgina decides not to react, noting that Jeremy seemed to like the situation, trusted Sammy and believed that the experienced transsexual had discovered sides of her nephew that she missed. However, as the minutes passed, he began to realize that Sammy had exceeded the limits of his visit, embarking on something more personal and intimate with Jeremy. The tension in the living room grew as Georgina watched the scene, trying to understand what had happened in her absence. Jeremy seemed very comfortable in the new role Sammy had assigned him, and Georgina, despite her doubts, felt a strange feeling of unease in the air. While Sammy and Jeremy exchanged knowing looks and laughter and Jeremy pulled out his dick demanding quick licks from Sammy, Georgina, who was there with them, realized that the situation had become more complex than she had imagined.
Georgina understood perfectly well that Sammy had sodomized Jeremy without his consent. Sammy had reaped the fruit she had come to sow, and now regretted having involved the experienced trans in the game, and while Jeremy seemed to be fascinated by Sammy's magnetic energy, the two began to undress, exchange passionate kisses and engage in erotic games . Georgina, watching the scene with a mixture of anger and remorse, realized that her choice had led to unexpected and out-of-control consequences. Despite the jealousy and pain he felt, he knew he couldn't stop the flow of events also because now both her nephew and Sammy were half naked and excited.

Sammy, with his cheeky look and irresistible sensuality, turned to Georgina with a mischievous smile, asking her to join them. The proposal of a threesome triggered a series of conflicting emotions in Georgina: desire, jealousy, fear. She found herself faced with a difficult decision, aware of the significant consequences it would have on her relationship with Jeremy and on her relationship with Sammy, however, although at that moment, Georgina felt torn between the attraction for both of them and the need to make her pay Sammy, she decided to accept and after practically stripping herself, she joined them.

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