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A Murder Misstery Aloft

"Your father never forgave you," she said dispassionately. "He was a wonderful man, but stubborn as a mule, and once you ran away, and we heard about what you'd done to yourself...." Her voice trailed away as she studied me once again. "Did you have a nose job?"

"Yes, among other things." It took her a moment to figure out what I meant. "I'm a woman now, Mom," I finally said.

If she was shocked, she didn't show it. "Thank God your father isn't here to see you," she sighed. "He never knew...." There was a faraway look in her eyes, and she pressed on before I could ask her what she meant. "Do you remember the dress-up games we used to play when you were little?"

So the dream I'd had that morning was real! Old, forgotten memories began to stir in the deepest recesses of my mind. "Tell me about them, Mom."

"I always wanted a daughter. Once your brothers were born, we thought our family was complete, and when we finally decided to have another child, I was praying for a little girl. I really thought you were one, too," she smiled, "back in those days you really didn't know until the baby was born, and then out you came! Your father was very happy, and of course I loved you with all my heart, but I must confess that I was very sad and disappointed...the doctors told me it was post partum depression, and in a way I suppose it was, only the reason was that you weren't a little girl!

"Your brothers were already in school by then, and as you know your father traveled constantly, so one day when we were the only ones in the house, I dressed you up as a girl. You were so precious! Your hair was still quite long, and I kept persuading your father to put off your fist haircut, although I'm sure he never knew that I secretly trimmed your bangs. I used to spend hours brushing and braiding it while you sat in my lap, all the while imagining that you were the daughter I always wanted. You had quite the wardrobe by the time you were four, I kept it all locked away in a cupboard when your father and brothers were home, but as soon as we were alone, I'd pick out the dress or skirt were going to wear, and help you with your slip, your tights...

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