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A Girl's Best Friend

None of them looked like her style. Ryanna dressed either casually or conservatively, rarely anything else. Where on earth would she wear a black dress with horizontal slits all the way up both sides? Or a cropped tank top with a hole that would rest between her breasts?

Jimmy picked up the dress and held it beside her. "This one would look hot on you, honey. Try it on."

"Are you serious? There's more air than fabric."

"Yep. That's the point." He handed her the dress and picked up a white denim skirt that looked just long enough to be legal. "This is good too."

"You're crazy."

"Trust me, girl. You have the assets; accentuate them."

After a few minutes, Ryanna had an armload of clothes Jimmy insisted she try on. She went into one of the stalls and stripped out of her own clothes, then tried on each of the outfits. A few looked as horrible as she'd predicted, but she had to admit, the rest made her look damn hot.

"So which ones do you want?" Jimmy asked after she'd tried all of them.

"Tough decision. I don't think I'll wear them very often, so it doesn't make sense to buy more than one."

"Honey, it makes sense to buy whatever makes you happy. If you want more than one outfit, get more than one. Who cares if you don't wear it every day? You'll probably go to Jack and Millie's again, and maybe you'll end up going out clubbing some night. If it looks good on you and you feel good in it, get it." He grinned. "Whatever you don't get, I probably will. Some of these outfits are smokin'!"

"Now, you know those wouldn't fit you, baby," Helga said. "But no worries, I've got the perfect things for you. Maybe I'll even help you fit them."

"Not today. Wouldn't be polite to my guest."

An hour later, Ryanna and Jimmy left the store carrying bags of clothing, including the three outfits he'd insisted she get. The total price of everything had made her cringe, but it hadn't fazed Jimmy in the least. "Gotta pay good to look good."

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