Free Stories

Cast party
My name is Dan, and I have always considered myself an adventurous and open minded person, but my experience was taken to a whole new level in my junior year of college when I got involved in an amateur theatre group. We all got along astoundingly well and I found myself becoming friends with severa... Read full Story
She showed them the pictures
Some years ago, While my wife and I were separated, I was out of state and she called to ask if she could use the computer at my place. When I returned home she asked about the pictures she found of me all dressed up like a whore with some guys cock in my mouth and of me setting on a dildo and takin... Read full Story
My two encounters with shemales
I love it when our readers submit their stories. This one was posted by Harry a couple hours ago and i think it deserves its own post. Let us call the story "My two encounters with shemales". Enjoy reading! Last winter while on vacation I also had sex with the most beautiful shemale, wo... Read full Story
My Filipina transsexual penpal
I too feel very attracted to Ladyboys, especially Asians. Since I started looking at the Ladyboy sites a part of me feels deperate to one day date, and maybe even be with a transsexual the rest of my life. I feel that I will never be sexually complete until I have finally had sex with an Asian Ladyb... Read full Story
A French Maid For Me?
After calling the cleaning service, I really hoped that they would send some hot young cutie to tidy up my pad. When the doorbell rang, I dabbed the last bit of cologne on and headed for the door. Upon opening the door, my heart sank. The most beautiful woman stood at my door in a French maid's u... Read full Story
Rain Check
Today was the first real day of autumn weather. I couldn’t hold still. After being cooped up all summer with the heat . . . ugh, I tell you, you folks who don’t live in the South have no idea how oppressive the heat gets. You can’t go outside, can’t play, can’t drive ar... Read full Story
The Anniversary
After ten years of marriage, Anne and Edward were still very much in love. They had no children and still had a very active sex life. They tried to keep things interesting by trying new positions, techniques and playing games. They often role played and wore costumes which was a lot of fun. Howev... Read full Story
How Macho became a shemale lover
I was 19 when I first got with a T-girl. Back then i was the macho man, easy to call someone a faggot, or something similar. Then one day at a club i saw this gorgeous women. I couldn't believe it. I was very surprised to see that she was generally being avoided. When i asked my friend he told me it... Read full Story
Been a ladyboy slave
I have been a slave to a ladyboy in thailand. I challenged her to wrestling match to see who is dominant and she won and sat on top of me nearly naked with her cock hanging over my face, and proceded to taunt me, and made me suck her cock and submit to her. Then she strapped a leash on me and tol... Read full Story
Suffered for years
I am one of those guys that have suffered for years, 29 now, I have fantasized about shemales since I was about 15, wouldnt dare come out in school, got a blue collar "macho" job, met a woman at 21 fell in love, (i am very straight yet extremely bi-curious) got married, have a step son, lo... Read full Story
Giving shemale a blowjob for the first time
I've been fantasizing about a shemale cock for a long time. Get me right, I am a straight man and all, but somehow the idea of sucking a girl's dick always turned me on. I'm not a big fan of anal sex and I don't think I'd love someone's cock in my ass, I'd rather prefer to give shemale a blowjob. ... Read full Story
Kits Adventures in the North
**Crossdress Story** It had been about six months since I'd had any chance to dress, any chance to feel sexy and been even longer since I had any kind of sexual contact. Work tends to do that; gets in the way and screws about with "me" time. Luckily, though, it was only a temporary job... Read full Story
I've dumped my boyfriend. Now he wants cock..
Me and Marc had been going out for 7 months. He's nothing that special to the eyes but he has a way with words. He could put a simple sentenced together and get any girl, any age, with any genitals? I thought it was only a rumor going around that he was Bi-sexual so i ignored it completely because ... Read full Story
Revenge of the Tranny Club
Yasmin growled as she read the review website. After opening up her own nightclub recently, popular hotspot critic Norman L. posted a negative review of the club on a popular review site. "Boring club, bad music, too many guys," it said, "Seems to be full of trannies as well. Not w... Read full Story
Winter Heat
I saw him in the breezeway, the open hall between the apartment buildings. My not-so-new neighbor. Been keeping an eye on him for a couple of months. He has a girlfriend, but nothing committed, and we flirt casually. He’s cute – six-three, so he’s tall, but it’s not string-be... Read full Story
The Peep Show
Alice had been to Amsterdam a few times before and had always had a great time there. As a shemale she often felt uncomfortable in certain places, talking about what she was, but here, everything was much more relaxed and she felt able to be honest with people and she found that she was more accepte... Read full Story
First Time Receiving
Within 30 minutes of small talk, she wanted Tony to fuck her. She had sucked many cocks, but had never been sucked herself.Adrian took Tony back to her apartment. He gently eased toward her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulder. Adrian felt so excited, and felt her cock hardening.Tony ... Read full Story
Sound Sleeper
I gave Mike my keys so he could come and take care of things while I was out of town. We’re fucking, and he’d slept over several times, so I figured I could trust him to feed my fish and get my mail without ripping me off and vanishing into thin air before I came back. When I got back... Read full Story
His First Tranny
He quietly said "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands under my skirt and find out.I got hard right away. I love the way my dick feels rubbing against my panties. He put his palm over my panties and starts stroking my dick. His eye... Read full Story
Stop lying to yourself
I've always had an attraction to transexuals, even before I knew they existed! I had a pic of Anna Kournikova with her legs spread and you could see her panties, and I was playing with it in a program I think was called Goo, whatever it was called it allowed you to warp photos, and I stretched out p... Read full Story
First time sex with a ladyboy
Ok guys, this is a milestone in my life. I had sex with a ladyboy!!! It was completely amazing, something i have fantasized about for years but never thought i would do! I met her on the internet a while ago and have been chatting to her since. We got on pretty well and she invited me for dinner!... Read full Story
Sensual Ebony - Sexy Transsexual Escort…
Ebony stood before me with her hands on her hips. Her smile was one that I would remember for a long time especially when she explained that she wanted to show me how she could please a man. That man was me. And she wanted turn my fantasy into a reality. She leant forward showing me her firm tits... Read full Story
The Breast Fantasy Come True
As a gay man, Paul had always only been interested in having relationships with men but he loved breasts. There was something about them that he really liked and having a few friends that were female made him even more curious and he asked them questions about them and one of them even let him have ... Read full Story
Her First Encounter
Chrissie took him back to her apartment. He sat on her couch and sipped at his drink while easing slowly toward her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulder; Chrissie felt so excited and felt her cock hardening. He started kissing her and pulled her close.Chrissie sucked on his tongue.One... Read full Story
Got addicted to watching shemale porn
I am considered to be very straight. I don't look at guys and think "Gee I'd like to suck his dick" or anything like that. I seperated from my first wife about 5 years ago. After seperating I got on line and downloaded a hell of a lot of porn. I am talking hours of porn. Can't r... Read full Story
Shemale Skirt
I have long legs and I love showing them off by wearing skirts. I found a short pink skirt a few weeks ago that I just had to have. I bought the pink skirt and tried it on as soon as I arrived home at my small apartment. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that the skirt was much shorter t... Read full Story
Philippines Shemale
I first met Claire in a video chat room a few months ago. I was looking through the directory of a popular webcam site and found her picture. The petite Asian was shown with her legs spread high above her head and her mouth around the tip of her ten inch penis. Her nickname was TSFantasy and I knew ... Read full Story
The Present
A friend had a birthday this week, the big 3-0, and to celebrate I offered to take some portrait shots of his birthday present to himself: his new tattoo. Ryan isn’t an ink-junkie. Until last week, he only had three tattoos, all tasteful and harmonized: a tribal design on the back of his ne... Read full Story
Been dreaming this for a while...
Been imagining an encounter with a hairy tall man, Been masturbating while I crossdress. Still a virgin analy but it might not last for long, an encounter will soon be coming. My perfect night would be this... Tall man ebters my hotel room, we talk, I am fully dressed in lingerie, black! High ... Read full Story
TV loving cock
Sorry I didn't keep you posted on Saturday night, but I was sorta busy being my usual slutty self. Story to follow: I talked to a guy on megaphone. He works as a night security guard at a big office building on the edge of town. He is there all by himself in this huge, mostly vacant building, in ... Read full Story
My Preference for Girls didn't change
When I decide to finally go into my transition, I kinda felt I might think differently about boys. Well I guess I do some. I like gay boys or more feminine boys now than before I started trans, but I find I still like girls. Most trans girls I know now prefer to have sex with boys. Maybe I'm confuse... Read full Story
Perfect combination
Mary had always preferred to go out with girls rather than men. She found girls were more gentle and kind and loving which is what she liked from a relationship. She found that men tended to treat her badly and did not satisfy her in bed either. She was not in a relationship at the moment though, ha... Read full Story
She Male Tube Videos Calmed Me Down After A Fantasy I had In The Bus
I was going back home from a stressful working day. Bus was full of people and I barely managed to get into it. I was tired and stressed out and I couldn't wait to come home and do something that will relax me. Usually, I would fill in a bath tab, drink wine and listen to the music. This time I w... Read full Story
Black Shemale Tube
It was truly a unique experience. One day I was very bored, and I was browsing through the Black Shemale Tube, and that's where I have found her. Sheila was a stunning Black girl, very tall and skinny! She had a killer body, the cutest little butt and small, firm titties. Since the moment we met thr... Read full Story
I Just Wanted To Chat With Shemales!
So, the guys and I packed and finally headed to Amsterdam. Of course, we got drunk and wasted as soon as the plane has touched the ground and the four of us rented an apartment, bought loads of six-packs and decided to paint the town red. Especially the Red District. The nights turned into wild p... Read full Story
My Secret Girlfriend
I've been roommates with this weird guy named Casey for several months now. He's pretty quiet and doesn't bug me, but I feel he might be a bit... insecure. Earlier I'd be working on laundry and some girly clothes like panties and bras would get in. At first he said it was his sister's (who had staye... Read full Story
Kinky Alexander And Our Hot Young Shemale Tube Movie!
Being different is not easy, and it can certainly be a rough ride. But I found my passion and I started making young shemale tube movies. It all started at a bar one night! I didn't want to get attached or have a serious relationship. I was alone and I haven't had sex in a long time, I was aching fo... Read full Story
The Hottest Shag With Naughty Sheena!
I was home one night, feeling kind of down and lonely and that is why I started browsing the dating sites. I wasn't really serious about it, I just needed something to occupy my mind. I came across of free shemale chat and thought to myself that it might be fun. I started chatting with a really stun... Read full Story
Shemale On Webcam Made Me Cum
It wasn't enough for me - regular porn, regular girls... I felt like I was losing it, not having the only thing I really desired: a shemale. But I was new in that world, not knowing where to go, where to look, so I decided it was better to see shemale on webcam first. I searched the internet and ... Read full Story
My Naughty She Male Photo Session And A Night To Remember!
He was a photographer that I was supposed to work with on my first she male photo session. Let me tell you about Jamal. He is a strong guy, with the body to die for, and I must say I was fantasizing about him from the moment I saw him. I loved being in front of the camera and I enjoyed every minute ... Read full Story
My Shemales Webcam Sex Partner Gave Me The Night Of Pleasure I W
It was a warm night and I was in my bed. I was feeling lonely and I wanted to have someone next to me who will give me tenderness I needed. I was tossing and turning and could not fall a sleep. I did not know what to do, so I got up. I went online and while I was looking for movie that I want to ... Read full Story
She Male Sex Stories
I Lived Just Like Characters From She Male Sex StoriesWalking the streets as a true shemale lady is not always easy. People have prejudice although, at the same time, you can see that those same people would fuck you in a second if they knew that nobody would find out. Something similar happened w... Read full Story
My Kinky She Male Porn Pictures
I never thought that I would enjoy making shemale porn pictures,but here I am and I must say it's been a crazy ride.I met Mike one night in a bar, and that's how my journey started.Mike was a very sexy and he was a real charmer. When he approached me he didn't know my secret,and I didn't want to ... Read full Story
Shemale Sex Stories Tell The Truth
You couldn’t help it but to notice when the tall blond came to the party. She was steaming hot, and all the guys turned their heads while all the girls glanced in envy. She was dressed a bit slutty and didn’t seem to mind the looks or the attention. Soon enough, she approached me and tol... Read full Story
Shemale Solo Tube And Practical Jokes
"Dude, you know I mean you good", my friend John was saying while he was dragging me out of bed, "You're spending way too much time inside and I have a treat for you!" I hated John's surprised - he had all sorts of crazy, stupid ideas, like painting my dorm room in black while... Read full Story
Sally Meets a Friend
Sue was furious and upset ‘I don’t know what yet but you are going to pay big time for this. I want you out of the house for a week. I don’t care where you go but it had better be well away from me and, Oh, you will stay dressed as Sally for the whole time. No mens clothes at all.... Read full Story
Shaffy and Me
I was on my way home and was just going by the park when I heard a lady scream and shout ‘help’ and being the knight in shining armour that I am, I went to investigate. When I entered the park I spotted a rather attractive blonde being forced over a bench by a long haired yob, so I yanke... Read full Story
The Babysitter Chapter Two
Over the next few weeks, I could hardly think of anything but the idea of wearing girly clothes and how sexy it would feel. Every house I babysat at now, I would not just go through the underwear, I would dress up in it. I began to build up quite a collection of soiled panties stolen from the women ... Read full Story
Super Shemale Tube At The Waiting Line
The restaurant was crowded - everyone in Boston wanted to be there, and I waited for an hour at the bar, hoping to get a table for one. But was I watched my chances of having dinner crumble to dust and glanced at Super Shemale Tube on my phone's browser, a girl sitting next to me asked "Hey, yo... Read full Story
Shemales Video For My Sexy Pleasure
The flight from LA took all of my strength - a few hours of sitting was not really my thing. Plus, this was a business trip to Boston, endless series of boring meetings where I discussed number and figures, and by the end of the day my head was buzzing; I desperately needed to relax. My laptop was o... Read full Story
Plant Food
Written by: Slayzer Rewritten by: Hobgoblin ~~~ “Where the hell are you, Terry!?” Rebecca snarled, tirelessly searching for her little brother. Rebecca, a pretty sweet sixteen dressed in casual in khakis and a pink T-shirt, was pissed off. It was Saturday night and she’... Read full Story
Amateur Shemale Videos Just Next Door
I rented out a place in this neighborhood not because of the fabulous location but because it was really cheap. It wasn’t what you call a family neighborhood, but nobody was picking on me, at least. My flat didn’t have much of a view. The living room window was facing the building nex... Read full Story
Shemale XXX Video Is Nothing To Laugh About
First of all, the stuff you see at shemale XXX video can happen to you! Really! I was also watching those porn sites with shemales out of the curiosity and for fun with friends before we went to Thailand on vacation. Same story – just like with shemale XXX video we were watching the night b... Read full Story
Shemale Free Chat And Sex Adventures
It was another day at work at the mall. Being a security guard wasn't exactly the most exciting job in the world: I'd sit all and maybe get a few calls about some punk kids trying to steal DVDs. I felt like my talents were wasted there - I used to be a competitive bodybuilder, evening getting into f... Read full Story
I posted a craigslist ad
8 years ago I began crossdressing again and playing with toys. After playing one day while watching videos online I decided I wanted to take the next step and be with a man again. My holes craved it but the butterflies in my stomach had stopped me before. Afraid they would do it again this time I go... Read full Story
My Kinky Shemale Mobile Porn Movie
I liked him very much but I couldn't approach him. I have been sitting in front of him in the club and I could smell his colone.I have been fantasizing about him all night,and I just had to make contact.Eventually he approached me and we started to talk.We were chatting about all sorts of stuff and ... Read full Story